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USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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Langenbielau I (Germania : campo di concentramento)   Cerca


Langenbielau I was a camp for men and women located in the state of Prussia in the province of Lower Silesia. The camp was also known as "Reichenbach Sportschule." It was a forced labor camp for Jews until it fell under the administration of Gross Rosen as a subcamp for men and women in the first half of 1944. It was liberated on May 8, 1945, according to prisoner testimony. The following employers utilized forced laborers from the camp: Siling I and II, Firma Telefunken, Siling Heine, Siling Rosenberg, Firma Josef Fröhlich, Firma Diehl, Hagenuk I and II Radiofabrik, Firma Lehmann, and Firma G.F. Flechtner. (en-US)


Weinmann, Martin, ed. Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem. Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins 1990. p. 642

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