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DULAG 162 (Donetsk, Ucraina, URSS : Campo POW)   Cerca


German military and civil authorities operated a group of transit camps for Soviet prisoners of war and civillians in Stalino. The camp sites were located at former factories and mines. It was reported that among the civilians were Jews. The Germans conducted executions of the Jews and Soviet prisoners of war. In September 1943, 2000 Jews were taken out of the camp and dumped into the mine shaft "Kalinovka." (en-US)


Dovidnyk pro tabory tiurmy ta hetto noa okupavanii teytorid' Ukrad'ny, 1941-1944 = Handbuch der Lager, Gefängnisse und Ghettos auf dem besetzten Territorium der Ukraine, 1941-1944. Kiev: Derzh. kom-t arkhiviv Ukrad'ny, 2000. pp. 238-240

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