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Ober Leutensdorf-Maltheuren (Cecoslovacchia : campo di concentramento)   Cerca


The Ober Leutensdorf-Maltheuren concentration camp was located in Horny Litvinov, which was part of the Czechoslovakian province of Bohemia before the war and part of the German Reichsgau Sudetenland during the war. The camp held both male and female prisoners and was categorized as a labor reformatory camp (Arbeitserziehungslager). According to a registration card issued by the state police in Katowice on August 18, 1941, the camp was opened not later than July 18, 1941. The prisoners were housed in the village of Nieder Leutensdorf. Gestapo documents show that the camp was closed not earlier than March 15, 1945. Records indicate that Siemens-Hydrierwerke and Hermann-Göring Werke exploited the prisoners as forced laborers. The prisoners were compelled to work in a quarry, digging turf, and constructing roads, and in 1945 building fortifications. (en-US)


Weinmann, Martin, ed. Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem. Frankfurt am Main: Zweitausendeins 1990. p. 43

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