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Etiopia 1939 (1 settembre) - 1945 (7 maggio)   Cerca


When World War II began in September 1939, the kingdom of Ethiopia was under Italian occupation as part of Italian East Africa. Emperor Haile Selassie I lived in exile in England. Italy entered the war in June 1940, using their position in Ethiopia to attack British territory in the Sudan, Kenya, and British Somaliland. The United Kingdom granted formal recognition to Haile Selassie as the leader of independent Ethiopia. Jewish soldiers from British Mandate Palestine formed a unit in the British armed forces led by Orde Wingate that liberated Ethiopia and a British-trained Ethiopian unit defeated the Axis forces in Gojam on January 20, 1941. Haile Selassie returned to Addis Ababa and established his own government alongside the British occupation authorities. He appointed several Palestinian Jews to posts in the new government and Ethiopia and Palestine began an economic partnership. The emperor also met with American President Franklin D. Roosevelt to discuss Ethiopia's plan to recover Eritrea for access to the sea. (en-US)


Dear, I.C.B., ed. The Oxford Companion to World War II. Oxford and New York : Oxford Univerisity Press, 1995. p. 3-4

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