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USC Shoah Foundation Institute Thesaurus
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Gyõr (Ungheria)   Cerca


Coordinates: 47º41'N 17º38'E Distance from national capital: 100 km (67 mi) WNW of Budapest 1926 County:Györ-Moson-Pozsony Jewish population in 1941: 4,688 Total population in 1941: 57,190 Country before and during WWI: 1900-1918: Austria-Hungary Country in interwar period: 1919-1939: Hungary Country after WWII: 1945-: Hungary At the end of May 1944 the Hungarian authorities forced approximately 5,000 Jews from Gyõr into a ghetto in the town. At the beginning of June 1944 the Hungarians moved all the Jews from the ghetto to barracks about 3 kilometers (2 miles) from the city. They were deported to Auschwitz via Hungarian-annexed Kosice (Kassa), Czechoslovakia, on June 11, 1944. A few hundred Jews returned to Gyõr after the war. (en-US)


Kepecs, Jozsef, ed. A Zsidó népesség száma településenként, 1840-1941. Budapest : Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, 1993. p. 158

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