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Risiera di San Sabba (Italia : campo di concentramento)   Cerca


A concentration camp was established in the province of Trieste, ENE of Venice, for women, men and children, political prisoners and Jews. As of September 18, 1943 the camp was under the command of the Commanding Officer of the Security Police of the Adriatic Seashore (Adriatisches Küstenland.) The camp was located in a former rice husking mill called Risiera di San Sabba. According to available reports the camp was opened not later than October 10, 1943. The last transport of prisoners from this camp arrived in Dachau on March 1, 1945 and the camp was liberated on April 30, 1945. (en-US)


Nuovo Dizionari deil Comuni del Regno D'Italia e le circoscrizioni amministrativa-giudiziaria-finanziaria in vigore al 1º gennaio 1939-XVII. Prima edizione. Roma, Tipografia E. Mentucci, 1939-XVII. p. 222

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